
It's Been A Long Time...

Feels like an eternity since my last post. Even though I could easily look at it, I don't even remember what I talked about. I've been hitting the gym off and on for the past 2 weeks. I've dropped close to 25 pounds since mid June so I figure, might as well continue with the progress, right? Right. We'll see what happens by December when I take my first trip out the country *GLLLEEEEEEEE* Speaking of, I've never packed for a 12 day trip. In an act of fantasy living, I priced a graphite damier duffle'ish bag. Not AS bad as I thought but I can't hack it. LL Bean Signature collection, which is my newest obsession, has a bag that probably wouldn't be sensible but is dope and something similar to what I've always wanted. I've got a few months so figure it out.


Going to europe at the end of the year, so I'm trying really hard to stack loot but the following, through whatever superhuman power or unexplainable channel, should be in my possession(pretend the minus signs are bulletpoints please):

- J Crew Aldridge suit
-custom varsity
-LL Bean madras shirt
-27" iMac
-future human ring (gold plated will do)
-dark green/navy brick sole bucks

The suit and shirt will probably be purchased for an upcoming wedding. The rest will come when I wake up fron a dream in which I mysteriously know the winning Mega Million numbers. Probably.


Curren$y - Roasted from Creative Control on Vimeo.

Pilot Talk drops on Tuesday. Definitely gonna snag that along with Big Boi's solo.


I'd like to talk about the live action adaption of Avatar: The Last Airbender. I heard numerous reviews before seeing it and none of them were positive. But I'm not the type to really get rattled by reviews of entertainment. Saw it for myself. -forehead slap- As a movie, independent of the animated series, it was decent. But as an adaption, it was seriously lacking in the "good" department. Off the top, they fucking pronounced Aang as "Ung". I mean, really? Ung? C'mon M. Night, I know you don't have a thick ass accent, so how'd that get lost in translation. Sokka, who is suppose to be a character in his mid-teens, had a fucking 5 o'clock shadow. Somebody should have gotten fired for that. I heard a lot of people say they "white-washed" the film and I really didn't want to agree. Race arguements never end, they just fade into the background only to resurface later on. But, yeah, majority of the water tribe, in the movie, looked like Russians or some shit. Damn near every fight scene was in slow-motion. I mean, gotdamn son, give that shit a rest and let the fight scene look like a fight scene and not a ballet. I didn't pay 8 bucks to see Swan Lake. I really could nit-pick and say that the only thing they nailed was the way Prince Zuko said 'uncle' but I won't. I'll just say there is a lot of room for approvement. So if they decide to keep M. Night as director for the next 2, I hope people get in his ear so can do the follow ups properly.



New watch. New season. New outlook on life. I'm promoting positivity like the black jedi in Star Wars.